increase visibility on Google

10 Ways To Increase Your Website’s Visibility On Google

As many of us know, the higher a person ranks on the search engine result page, the more traffic and visibility they receive. With Ireland’s online shopping market being worth €7 billion, a business must have its website rank higher on the search results. A website ranks based on several factors, as to consider by a search engine. To help increase the website’s visibility on Google, given below, are a few tips to assist.

How to increase your website’s visibility on Google

  • Selecting the ideal keywords

Keywords are one of the most fundamental elements of obtaining visibility on Google. It boils down to identifying and choosing the right keywords to help raise your rank. Content helps increase the website’s visibility on Google.

  • Keep a lookout on the competition

A higher rank means more visibility. That’s why it is good to always keep an eye out for the competition. What is it that they have on these sites that you do not? And how can you improve it? This will help in the future.

  • Ensure you use analytics

This is another crucial element to ensure your website’s visibility. It is important to keep a close eye on the monthly reports of your website. This will show you which were the highest performing posts and how well they linked to your keyword universe.

  • Use meta titles and descriptions

While this may seem unimportant, it is something that a lot of websites have now started using. An attractive meta title and description appeal to people, which can increase the website’s visibility on Google.

  • A web developer isn’t always needed

Though it is a good idea to have a web developer, there are times when a publisher can make certain small tweaks on their own. This can help save on time and money, especially when starting out.

  • Use your best content 

Keeping your content updated is extremely important. What may be top-ranking today may drop-down next month. To maintain your ranking and visibility on Google, the content needs to be updated and then republished.

  • Check your keyword universe against competitors 

Running your keyword universe against a competitor’s website will give you an idea of what is used often and what is not. This will allow you to understand your ranking and visibility on Google a lot better.

  • Try using an editorial calendar 

The whole idea behind an editorial calendar is to make things easier for a publisher to remember. This will help a publisher know when one of their top-performing articles needs to be updated and republished.

  • Ensure the articles are mobile-friendly 

We live in a world where everybody relies on mobile for many things. This includes being updated with what is happening. That is why Google also takes mobile visibility into account when it comes to ranking.

  • Have regular maintenance checks

Though your article or site is ranking high, the work is not over. Even if you have managed to meet all the criteria to ensure your ranking, having regular maintenance checks will help to increase your website’s visibility on Google.

If these methods are meticulously followed, there is a high guarantee that you can increase your website’s visibility on Google as well as your ranking. This will help increase brand awareness and pull in viewers and potential clients, leading to a higher conversion rate. However, remember to run regular maintenance to continue being at the top.



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