Data-Driven Marketing Strategies

5 Valuable Data-Driven Marketing Strategies For Law Firms

In the practice of law, the most valuable points are being able to reason and having access to relevant facts. Therefore, the solicitors must be able to acknowledge the benefits of data analytics more than any other professional. Facts are helpful not just for fighting cases, but also in promoting the firm with data-driven marketing strategies.

Different types of data for law firm marketing

The types of data that can be gathered and analysed, as part of data-driven marketing strategies, to make the most valuable decisions are as follows:

  • Individual data

Data gathered from sources like email campaigns, your most-used pages, Google analytics, and cookies come under the individual data.

  • Industry data

Industry data is the data collected by third-parties to recognise the patterns and trends of the industry.

  • Internal data

This data uses billing, time-tracking, and customer life-cycle to analyse trends with former clients and provide insights into how to protect potential clients.

Important data-driven marketing strategies

Marketing your law firm is as important as trying to win every case. To make your firm have prospective clients, improve the account performance, and identify the market patterns to get the competitive edge, following these data-driven marketing strategies will be helpful.

  • Retargeting

It is also known as remarketing and is a form of advertising that uses user data. Whenever a viewer visits your website, a remarketing code is triggered and saved via cookies in their browser. Due to this, when they visit other websites, they will be able to view ads of your firm. Because some people consider this form of advertising disruptive, your ads must offer material (like a downloadable guideline).

  • Algorithmic marketing

This channel simplifies purchasing space, by assessing statistical data to choose which ads can be bought, and then auction for them is conducted in real-time, through a digital exchange. Algorithm marketing is useful because it is highly focused on the demographic, geographic, and behavioural aspects of an audience. 

  • Predictive marketing

This form of publicity foresees responses and results using artificial intelligence and statistical algorithms. It is useful to identify the target audience and develop specific messages, allowing law firms to reach the people looking for their services and vice versa.

  • On-page suggestion

Suggestion engines are becoming increasingly common as they are a meaningful addition to a great user experience. This tool can be used to suggest topics like lead magnets, relevant service pages or blogs, or webinars to website viewers.

  • Enhance your search engine marketing

People search on engines like Google a lot, leading to businesses engaging in search advertising via keywords that people use when searching. This is why in Ireland, search advertising had grown by 7% to €306m. Tools such as Google Keyword Planner can be utilised to find appropriate keywords, keyword tactics used by competitors, and the industry trends.

In recent years, digital advertising has changed significantly and is set to continue becoming vital to marketing. Knowing how companies can use data-driven marketing strategies improves the business performance of your firm and leads to improved ROI. The tips mentioned help in enhancing the visibility of your firm, and improving the search rankings, helping the firm to be popular.



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